Stray Light Correction Algorithm for High Performance Optical Instruments: The Case of Metop-3MI



Stray light is a critical aspect for high performance optical instruments. When stray control by design insufficient to reach the requirement, correction post-processing must be considered. This situation encountered, example, in case of Earth observation instrument 3MI, whose properties are complex due presence many ghosts distributed on detector array. We implement an iterative method and discuss its convergence properties. Spatial field binning can employed reduce computation time but at cost decreased performance. Interpolation required achieve correction. For that, two methods proposed tested. The first interpolate domain while second applies scaling operation based local symmetry assumption. Ultimately, selected reduction factor 58 obtained 2σ (129 1σ) extended scene illumination.

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عنوان ژورنال: Remote Sensing

سال: 2022

ISSN: ['2315-4632', '2315-4675']